How to write a biography paper
Definition Essay Topics Examples
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Disinvestment and reinvestment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Disinvestment and reinvestment - Essay Example Disinvestment alludes to the utilization of a purposeful monetary blacklist, with explicit accentuation on selling stock, to pressure an administration towards strategy or system change. Ronald Reagan, the previous American President during his system the disinvestment development was at its pinnacle, additionally restricted it, rather preferring an approach of valuable commitment These standards called for partnerships working together in South Africa to hold fast to exacting norms of non-separation in recruiting and advancements to set a positive model. The most every now and again experienced strategy for disinvesting was to convince state, area and city governments to sell their stock in organizations which had a nearness in South Africa, such offers having been recently positioned in the arrangement of the state's, province's or city's benefits support. A few states and territories passed enactment requesting the offer of such protections, most remarkably the city of San Francis co. The Sudan Divestment Task Force teams up with Amnesty International, International Crisis Group, an assortment of worldwide NGO's, and a large portion of the major socially capable putting firms in the US. Calvert, the biggest socially dependable common store organization in the US, has unequivocally embraced the focused on divestment approach as one that applies most extreme effect on the Sudanese government while limiting unintended results, for example, the significant advancement job fundamental business in Sudan plays in improving general expectations for everyday comforts for all. In straightforward words Disinvestment happens when owners or individuals quit putting resources into the network, building or neighborhoods and in this way to wind up with ghetto regions. Disinvestment hampers financial development of a country as an obstruction of Urbanization. Demographically, the Urbanization indicates redistribution of populaces from rustic to urban settlements in a procedur e related with advancement of human progress. Since disinvestment period of an economy yields zero to the social and even social upgrade of the individuals, I would feel compassion for the individuals and the region during such dim time. From a charitable perspective, it controls the bequest of the masses to carry on with a superior life for certain political or segment reasons. On the off chance that open door wins, I couldn't imagine anything better than to rouse the masses to buckle down so as to pull in speculators for the government assistance and advancement of the area. 2. Reinvestment as the historical background recommends represents the financial period when speculators anticipate profit in certain region of creation and want to continue development with their sources of info. At the point when a network or owner see an incentive in the land and start to restore a region that has lost an incentive throughout the years and worth fixing, for example, water front properties makes ready to reinvestment. Strikingly, it is an item or urbanization. There are two significant kinds of reinvestments; Capital Reinvestment and Manpower attachment. Speculators for the most part amass such assets from profits, premium and capital increases earned in an investmentor common fundto buy extra offers or units, instead of accepting the dispersions in real money. In this way, regarding stocks, it is the reinvestment of profits topurchase extra offers. Then again, as far as common assets, it is the reinvestment of appropriations and profits to buy extra units of that finance. Essentially, regarding charge addition or misfortune gathering, it is the acknowledgment of misfortunes to counterbalance a capital increases over obligation. This is certainly a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Developmental Psychology and Anecdotal Assignment
CLDDV 101 Anecdotal Observation Assignments Å"Education of the brain without training of the heart isn't instruction in any way. Aristotle Goal Observing Children The objective of perception is to upgrade your comprehension of the significant ideas and achievements of improvement through perception of genuine kids as opposed to simply perusing or finding out about how youngsters develop and create. Kid advancement alludes to the sorts of changes that happen from origination through late adolescence.Physical (fine and gross/enormous engine), intellectual, passionate, social, self improvement, and stylish advancement will be investigated through these perceptions, giving a concise record of improvement as it happens. What's more, utilizing elegantly composed narrative records educators are better ready to follow a childs premiums, how a kid is getting along, learning, and advancing in a program, become the reason for arranging formatively fitting educational plan to enable the young ster to assemble abilities, and have documentation to help homeroom assessments.Observations, recorded after some time, and agent of all areas of advancement can introduce a complete image of a childs improvement . Kid Development/Developmental Domains: Child advancement centers around the procedures of progress and security in youngsters from origination through late pre-adulthood. Formative researchers study both quantitative change and subjective change in youngsters. Quantitative change is an adjustment in number or sum, for example, in tallness, weight, size of jargon, or recurrence of correspondence and is constant all through childhood.Qualitative change is an adjustment in kind, structure, or association and is spasmodic. It is set apart by the development of new marvels that can't be foreseen effectively based on before working. One model is the change from a nonverbal kid to one who gets words and can utilize them to impart. The procedures of progress and steadiness that f ormative researchers study happen in spaces. For reasons for study, formative researchers separate the areas into various parts of oneself including physical (little and enormous muscles), psychological, passionate, and personalsocial.All spaces are interrelated. Physical Development: development of the body and cerebrum, the advancement of tangible limits and engine aptitudes including wellbeing. Psychological Development: change and strength in mental capacities, for example, learning, memory, language, thinking, moral thinking, and imagination. Enthusiastic Development: change and solidness in the improvement of a full scope of passionate reactions to occasions and cooperations from dismal to glad to irate, and figuring out how to manage them properly. Social Development: development in ones capacity to collaborate and speak with others in significant manners. 01 episodic task 09/29/2010 1 Piagets Concrete Pre-operational Stage (2-7 years old) The preschool-matured youngsters tha t you will be watching have gone into Piagets preoperational phase of psychological turn of events. The key element of childrens thinking in this stage is emblematic portrayal. The kid is currently ready to utilize an image, an item, or a word to represent something different. The utilization of images can be unmistakably found in the childs utilization of language; for instance, the kid would now be able to speak to objects in nature with the fitting word and can allude to past and future events.The utilization of images is additionally evident in childrens drawings, impersonation, mental symbolism, and representative play. For instance, a preoperational kid may be watched taking care of her doll nonexistent oat or drawing an image of the inflatables at her last birthday celebration. Thinking as far as images permits greater adaptability and arranging in their critical thinking. In spite of these increments in psychological aptitudes, the manners of thinking of preoperational kids bring about trademark contrasts in thinking. Since they don't utilize coherent activities, their thinking frequently appears to be imperfect to adults.One of the most effortlessly watched contrasts in how preoperational kids reason at this age is the inclination to see the world from ones own point of view just, a marvel that Piaget named egocentrism. On account of egocentric reasoning, preoperational kids may Å"hide by covering their eyes or just pieces of their bodies, accepting that in the event that they cannot see the searcher than they, themselves, cannot be seen. Other preoperational thinking mistakes come about because of reasoning that is natural, as opposed to logical.For model, preschool kids are unequipped for protection they don't comprehend that specific properties of articles, for example, volume or mass, don't change in light of the fact that the shallow appearance of the item changes. Preoperational kids are not just attached to their discernments, they are likewi se unfit to de-focus their reasoning, or consider more than each part of an issue in turn. Their reasoning shows what Piaget called irreversibility they can't turn around or intellectually fix an activity. During this phase of advancement, youngsters obtain new words at a cosmic rate.These fast gains in childrens jargon are joined by authority of progressively complex syntactic structures, for example, framing past tenses and plurals. As youngsters secure the syntactic guidelines of their language, a sort of mistake called overregularization may happen in which kids abuse the essential standards of language. For instance, a 2 ? or on the other hand 3-year-old may state, Å"I bringed my puppy, or Å"My feets are cold. Children additionally become bound to utilize right grammar that is, they gotten progressively mindful of how words ought to be requested to pass on a specific importance. Childrens information about sexual orientation and sex job desires grows very early.Preschooler s have a solid feeling of sex personality, a feeling of being male or female. Between the ages of 4 and 6, youngsters create sexual orientation consistency; the acknowledgment that sex remains the equivalent paying little mind to what one looks like or acts. Now, they may receive unbending principles for what they accept is suitable male and female dress and conduct. 101 episodic task 09/29/2010 2 Preschool youngsters are bound to play with sex-suitable toys; that is, young men are bound to play with cliché Å"boy toys , for example, trucks; and young ladies are bound to play with cliché Å"girl toys , for example, dolls and kitchen sets.Over the preschool years, sexual orientation isolation additionally increments, as kids are bound to play with same-sex peers instead of other gender peers. Preoperational childrens social connections become progressively proportional and facilitated, which is reflected in their play. Childrens play can be partitioned into four classifications, ex tending from least to most socially complex nonsocial movement (spectator and single), equal play, affiliated play, and helpful play. Around the age of 4 of 5 there is a formative move in the sort of play wherein kids engage.Four and multi year olds start to show valuable play, attracting pictures or chipping away at puzzles matches or gatherings, deliberately making and building something together. Play additionally turns out to be progressively unpredictable as children explore different avenues regarding both regular and nonexistent jobs through imagine or sensational play. This sort of play includes propels in discernment, viewpoint taking, and relational abilities. While there are singular contrasts being developed, most kids create typically.Some youngsters, be that as it may, may show noteworthy maturational postponements or contrasts these kids are regularly related to formative incapacities. While numerous formative incapacities are recognized dependent on deferrals or cont rasts from what we are aware of run of the mill advancement, and various names are utilized to portray the examples of distinction. It is imperative to recall, in any case, that a kid with an incapacity is as a matter of first importance a youngster, and that all kids are run of the mill from multiple points of view. So as opposed to stating Ëœdisabled kid, it is progressively suitable and deferential to state Ëœa youngster with a handicap. Composing Skills ¢ If you battle with your composing aptitudes, there are a few assets incorporating selecting CLDDV-48, making sure about a coach through the Mentor Program (see educator for referral), using MJCs composing lab or coaching focus, or working with a talented highschool or undergrad or companions to audit your assignments before they are expected. The accompanying pointers will help your achievement recorded as a hard copy compelling and useful observational reports. o Use the spell and language check works in your PCs composing pr ogram. Cautiously audit renditions of regularly utilized words, for example, theyre (they are), (their shoes), and (There are the missing shoes. ) o Carefully survey words, for example, at that point and than ? At that point means the connection between activities, for example, Å"We will find out about episodic records and afterward running records. ? Than suggests a near estimation, for example, Å"Amanda is taller than Dylan. o The over utilization of the word Å"then is another region to consider. Attempt to restrain your utilization of it in your observational reports as it is regularly utilized too much. o Learn the right organization for quotations.Anytime you are revealing what the kid stated, you should utilize the standard citation position. Model: Kevin couldn't arrive at the ball. He stated, Å"Teacher will you get the show on the road for me? ¢ 101 episodic task 09/29/2010 3 o When kids are utilizing tricycles, the word that portrays how their feet work is pedal . Models: He accelerated. She accelerated. He was accelerating. o Write your narrative observational reports in past tense. This implies your action words will regularly end in Å"ed . Models: Julia played with the trains. Kevin strolled from the squares to the rug zone. Keifer asked the instructor, Å"May I have my turn now? Step by step instructions to record your perception: Directions ¢ Observations must happen in an authorized preschool community based program. Authorized childrens focuses are programs that work either preschool an
Friday, August 21, 2020
Principles of economics
Acquaintance This article looks for with present a knowledge into a developing monetary occasion in china. China is among the top performing economies in the Asia. Its monetary development has been wonderful in the course of the most recent years. Neighborhood financial experts foresee an expansion in the local development. Be that as it may, this probably won't be the situation in light of the fact that there are a few indications of monetary stagnation.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Principles of financial aspects explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is a period when the degrees of residential creation are either declining or steady. The significant reasons for frail local creation are inadequate aptitudes, deficient crude materials or potentially low interest for buyer items. This paper subsequently, modestly, succinctly and obviously mirrors the key focuses contained in the monetary article by Bradsher (2013). The exposition likewise con tains an utilization of major monetary ideas of flexibly and request, showcase structures, versatility and cost of creation into the genuine point of view of China’s financial pattern as delineated in the article. The following are weightier issues. Key focuses According to Bradsher (2013), top Chinese market analysts have seen a pointer of a decline in the Chinese fares. Fares are the products and enterprises that china dispatches out of the nation to satisfy the need of an outer market, say Australia. Another key point in the article is the way that china’s financial development is drowsy. Monetary development of a nation (counting China) is estimated by different standards. Absolute household creation frames an establishment for a financial development. Household creation gets its incitement from the degree of neighborhood and universal interest for products and ventures. Compactly, the main purpose behind china’s monetary development is the accessibility of loaning administrations from arrangement managed money related establishment and overnight bundle. Increment in loaning has helped the degrees of creation while low interest for the products and enterprises both in the nearby and worldwide market, smothers the development. Another key factor all alone is the expanded loaning in China. The Chinese government has expanded loaning chances to organizations. The method of reasoning for the move is to invigorate creation and accordingly financial development. The last key point is about buyer spending. Observably, the degrees of buyer spending have been ascending in the nation. Buyer spending levels can be estimated by family unit buy amount levels as well as quality. The more the amount of products and enterprises bought by customers, the higher the spending levels. The contention is genuine when quality is thought of. The higher the nature of merchandise and items bought by customers, the higher the spending levels (Buchanan, 1999).Adve rtising Looking for exposition on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Economic ideas in application Supply and request is the capacity and ability of a shopper to spend a particular measure of cash on an item at a specific time. Request of a specific decent or item is affected by taste and inclination, levels of customers’ pay, accessibility of options and cost of the products and ventures. Diminished degrees of interest for Chinese items in the universal market are the central reason for frail degrees of fare experienced by the nation. In straightforward terms, the capacity and readiness by worldwide customers to purchase products and ventures from China has diminished. The purposes behind the reduction are similar variables that impact request. For example, the worldwide market could have recognized a less expensive wellspring of merchandise that the Chinese makers give. All things considere d, they would channel a greater amount of their assets to buy from a less expensive provider instead of China (Buchanan, 1999). The eagerness of Chinese nationals to devour nearby products is the explanation behind expanded buyer spending in China. That is, shoppers just spend on what they need and need. Request, then again is instigated by consumers’ needs and need. The more the necessities and need (request), the higher the degrees of spending and aggregately, this prompts increment in purchaser spending (Adil, 2006). Gracefully then again is the capacity and eagerness of a vender to sell his items at a particular cost at a specific time holding things steady. The degrees of flexibly are affected by winning ware costs, costs of elective items and costs of components of creation. The Chinese state controlled bank has expanded the degrees of loaning. As such, the flexibly of assets has expanded. In this manner, borrowers acquire assets at a lower cost since the gracefully lev els are higher than the interest (Buchanan, 1999). Cost of creation it is the cost of the assets used to give customer products and enterprises. The variables of creation (work, land, capital and undertaking) have various costs because of their inclination. Cost of creation can be balanced by high benefit levels because of high deals levels. During the time of low interest, deals levels are low and organizations make misfortunes. Misfortunes debilitate creation levels and hence less financial development. China’s slow monetary development is halfway a direct result of unparalleled expense of creation (Adil, 2006). End To finish up, Bradsher (2013) is to the point passing by the substance of its article. Fares animate residential creation. It is likewise a wellspring of remote pay to a nation. On the off chance that the degrees of a country’s trade decline in light of less interest for remote merchandise by worldwide markets, a central creation upgrade would be lost. Less household creation would accordingly hinder financial development rate, in this way languid china’s monetary growth.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Principles of financial aspects explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Adil, J. R. (2006). Flexibly and request. Mankato, Minn: Capstone Press. Bradsher K. ( 2013, August 8). China’s Economy out of the blue bumbles again on feeble fare results. The New York Times. Web. Buchanan, J. M. (1999). The interest and flexibly of open merchandise. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund. This exposition on Principles of financial aspects was composed and presented by client Giselle Daniels to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Friday, June 12, 2020
Why Brand Equity Is Important How to Measure It
If you're not familiar with the term brand equity, here's a refresher. Brand equity measures how recognizable a brand is. It can refer to memorable products, service quality, or even availability through a well-developed distribution network. Building and measuring brand equity is incredibly important for cultivating relationships and making products stand out. Here's an introduction to what it is and how to measure it correctly. Related: 3 steps to build brand consistency What brand equity is (and isn't) Brand equity covers several important elements. The critical ones include: Clients' perception How that perception affects the company (from interactions to purchases) Sales and revenue Brand awareness in the market at large Due to its complex nature, there seems to be some confusion on exactly what brand equity is and isn't. It's not any of these things: Market equityâ€â€a term that refers to the actual value of assets An engaging shopping experienceâ€â€which is only one aspect of a brand A business outcome in itselfâ€â€it's the means to accomplish that outcome Brand value How the company is perceived right nowâ€â€equity has long-term implications Brand equity interacts with other aspects of running a business, and measuring it isn't a simple task. You need to understand which activities contribute most to making the brand recognizable. Then you'll be better at tracking the metrics that matter. Choosing the right metrics The first goal of measuring brand equity is selecting the right metrics. This data should offer insights about the perception of your audience and the effects of your actions. While the right metrics might vary from one company to another, here are a few essentials: Brand awareness Accessibility and market penetration Customer loyalty and retention Market share Growth rate Revenue and profitability fluctuations Cost to acquire new clients and cost to retain clients Emotional associations with the brand (positive or negative) As you can see, relevant metrics pertain both to market positioning and emotional response. While emotions can be harder to evaluate, they provide valuable insight about how your branding efforts are being received. Looking for trends One useful strategy for interpreting brand equity metrics is looking for trends and patterns. Regardless of company size, you're probably collecting some form of data all the time. Sorting through all the information to make sense of the numbers and their relevance can be painstaking, even if you're relying on automation. This is why many marketers choose to identify anomalies rather than consistencies in trends. An anomaly or outlier could be indicative of change. From there, you can determine what event caused the outlier and whether it that's good or bad. It's also important to have a strong understanding of the industry as a whole. If demand is going down and competitors are experiencing similar trends, it's likely that the change in data isn't related to your brand equity. Pinpointing anomalies is easyâ€â€identifying the cause is more cumbersome. You need deep industry knowledge to look at the big picture effectively. Then you can better understand how you've positioned yourself differently from others and why you're experienced such a change in perception, revenue or whatever metric you're examining. Evaluating your brand image Evaluating your current brand image is helpful because it points to how brand equity could change in the years to come. This metric is more abstract than financial indicators, but it's wise to include both quantitative and qualitative factors in your audit. Your brand's digital presence can be invaluable in understanding current brand image and the attributes that buyers assign to your products. Social media interactions shed light on how your brand is being perceived right now. Remember: perception is nearly as important as your revenue figures because it has the potential to shape revenue to come. A good brand image can help you build sustainability in the long run; a bad one can ruin your efforts. Learn to interact with customers on a regular basis. Whether you do it through digital means or in person is up to you; what matters is testing a large enough sample to reliably determine trends in perception. How your brand is perceived today will influence how you'll be doing business tomorrow. Don't underestimate the importance of brand equity. The sooner you start measuring it, the more you'll learn how to connect with new audiences and build stronger relationshipsâ€â€which in turn contributes to a healthy bottom line.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Ray Bradbury s Worthy Of The Curriculum - 1796 Words
Collin Rineer CP American Lit and Comp Mrs. Mayo Nov 10, 2014 Ray Bradbury, Worthy of the Curriculum? Ray Bradbury is an American author who has written many books including Fahrenheit 451. Ray Bradbury should be included in Penn Manor’s American Literature Curriculum because of his works of science fiction, one being Fahrenheit 451, that use politics and a unique style to create these situations and settings that show the strange things that happen in the human mind rather than strange things that happen to them. Politics are an important part of his books and supports why Bradbury should be included. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury tells about a fireman named Guy Montag where his job is simple, burn books. Montag loved his job and always followed orders. Then a seventeen year old girl named Clarisse moved next door and changed his whole outlook of the world that hes been living his life in. (1-24) The government in Fahrenheit 451 controls the entire society by keeping the expansion of knowledge low by banning books and burning them. In the world of Fahrenheit 451 he uses adv anced technology, such as the mechanicals hounds, to be the peacekeepers of the world. The style works well with his use of the setting and political influences but these are only some of the reasons why he should be included in the CP American Literature Curriculum. Bradbury uses politics in Fahrenheit 451 to control and convey the story. In Bradbury’s dystopian society the government basically
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Media s Effect On The Self Esteem Of The Girls - 1739 Words
The standard that the media set for the girls is almost impossible to be achieved (Serdar, n.d.). This is probably the most dangerous effect that the media brings toward the self-esteem of the girls. It is natural for people, especially girls to compare themselves with other people (Serdar, n.d.). This comparison can be distinguished into 2 types, upward comparison and downward comparison. An upward comparison occurs when the girls compare themselves to someone who seems to be better than them. A downward comparison occurs when the girls compare themselves to someone who seems to be worse than them. Exposure to media lead the girls to an upward comparison. Since it is almost impossible for the girls to achieve the same level of appearance that the media set due to the use of airbrushing method, the editing, lighting, and also the process of the models achieving those ideal bodies, their self-esteem will be low and ways of extreme diet will result in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Consequently, to achieve those standards of physical appearance, there is a socially constructed idea that in order to be beautiful, that is, in order to be like those thin models and celebrities, it is necessary to be unhealthy (Serdar, n.d.). Moreover, media lower girls’ self-esteem by promoting fashion for skinny people. When people walk inside a shop, there will be super thin mannequins, and the girls would think that the size that the mannequins wear is the standard size.Show MoreRelatedThe Influence Of Media Reporting On Society s Perception Of Beauty1730 Words  | 7 Pagesnumber). 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Social media as defined by the Oxford Dictionary as, â€Å"Social media noun [treatedRead MoreThe Differences between the Self-Esteem of Boys and Girls During Puberty1247 Words  | 5 Pagespsychological effect of puberty is a decreased self-esteem. Boys and girls both have affected self-esteem during puberty, but girls’ self-esteem seems to have a negative impact during puberty, whiles boys seem to have a more positive impact. This paper will focus on the impact of self-esteem in both boys and girls during puberty, and if there is a positive or negative impact. Self-Esteem To understand what effect self-esteem has on adolescents going through puberty, one has to know what self- esteem is.Read MoreDoes Advertising Affect Self-Image1116 Words  | 5 Pagesa writer from the Media Awareness Network, marketers are held responsible for systematically creating anxiety, promoting envy, and fostering feelings of inadequacy and insecurity to sell us their products. 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Self-esteem and body image can also be influenced by ageRead MoreThe Media And Its Effects On Teen And Young Undeveloped Brains1237 Words  | 5 PagesThe advertising business views teenagers in society as a viable market section, due to their immature understanding of the media and its dazzling impact on teen and young undeveloped brains. The media is progressively specializing in children and adolescents to captivate with advertisements. according to market research corporations, teenagers are vital to marketers because they can pay a considerable open income, spend family cash easily, and they are easily able to influence their families to spendRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Social Media1648 Words  | 7 Pages I’ve learned that everything that glitters ain’t gold. In my middle school days I’ve experienced the negative effects of social media, Now when I say social media, I’m referring to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. 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The National Eating Disorders Associations website, The Effect of the Media on Body Satisfaction in Adolescent Girls, The Medias Influence on Body Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders, and Dieting Behaviors, WeightRead MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words  | 5 PagesSocial media allows people to share pictures and ideas with others across the world. Women and girls can use social media to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others. Women during this time period that are so heavily impacted by the media can link their self-worth to their looks. I used scholarly articles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. 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Digital Forensics - Incidents And Legislation And Regulations
Question: Describe about the term for Digital Forensics, Incidents And Legislation And Regulations? Answer: Incidents And Incident Response Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is an open-source software learning management system made available for the public at free of cost. The software is written in PHP and made available to the public with the General Public License. This software is used by many Universities and many educational institutions for distance education, blended learning, e-learning and flipped classroom purposes. Apart from them, it is also used by many educators and trainers throughout the world. Many Universities use it in large scale to use Moodle for submission of the assignments by the students and distribution of the learning resources to the students. Turnitin is plagiarism prevention service that is based on internet. Many schools and Universities use this software for submission of essays and assignments by the students, with license. Tunitin could be well integrated into Moodle to become Turnitin Moodle. The integration is done with the pug-ins. Since vast learning resources and numerous assignments are shared on the internet, it is quite possible that the content can be mis-used or any unwanted incidents can happen, which will become digital offense, in the cyber world. Risk Scenarios, Related To The Submission Procedure Risk Scenario 1 There is a file submission procedure involved in the Moodle Turnitin. The usual procedure is that the student logs in to his account and then follows the guidelines to submit the procedure. Once the student logs in, he or she will be able to submit the assignment, access the previous assignments, even can download the previous assignments for further editing operations. The students, who are close to each other, it is possible that the log in credentials of one student can be known to the other students. Let us consider one scenario, which can be risky. For example, student A is a bright student in academics and always gets the excellence grades for the assignments submitted by him or her. Then a student B can get the log in credentials of the student A, through friendship or through any other means. So, the student B can log in to the account of the student A and can download the assignments, submitted by him. The assignments, which are of excellence grade, can be downloaded and copy the skeleton and rewrite the assignment, in order to pass the plagiarism program in the Turnitin. The student A may not be known about this misuse of his or her credentials. It can be one potential risk scenario. Risk Scenario 2 The assignments submitted by the students are in the form of files, usually in MS-Word format. There is a possibility that the file management system can be compromised by the hacker or by any malware that can possibly attacked to the software. When the file management system is corrupted, the assignments submitted by the students would not reach the web server of the Moodle or Turnitin portals. As the files are not stored in the web server of the portal, the staff or faculty would not be able to receive or access the assignments submitted by the students and cannot provide the feedback based on the assignment. This can be another possible risk scenario 2. The files that are uploaded as submissions to Moodle assignments, by the students can become irrecoverable. The links and peer assessment activity in the offline would also not be recoverable. Eventually, the academics could not download the assignments and could not mark them and feedback could not be given within turn-around times. The files, which were uploaded as the feedbacks to the assignments, Quickmail attachments and forums attachments, including the Quiz questions, module files and assignment instruction files can also not be recoverable. The submission files that were uploaded to the Turnitin activity can also get impacted at the dates of the issues. Incident Management The following is the incident management for the risk scenario 2, considering it is happened and the actions taken by the management. Detection The incident has got detected by the staff and student as the ServiceNow has received many queries and complaints about the problem related to the submission and download of the assignments on Monday, 27th November. Response After the detection of the incident, both ERES and LEaD responded immediately and alerted all the students and staff about the situation and the further procedures that they have to follow for the submission, upload and download of the assignments. Apart from the responses attempted by the ERES and LEaD, there were attempts for the local fixes, as the following. Students are asked to email the assignments Alternative submission areas were added to the modules Individual extensions are set up for the affected students The academic staff, who logged before 9:14am on Monday were able to access and download the assignments, in a few cases. Report The following stage of the digital forensic incident response involves reporting. ERES then started running the reports on the Moodle. The list of the impacted files, modules, users and assignments is made through producing a spreadsheet. The preparation of the list of the impacted items is completed by Wednesday, 2nd December. According to the report, the incident had impacted all the assignments that were submitted to Moodle, right from the beginning of the incident period, no matter what were the deadlines, either in the past or in the future. The deadline was extended for the students to submit the assignments, by the educational institutions and Universities, but the students were not able to submit the assignments, because the submission files were inaccessible and unavailable as the broken link could not be accessed, from the area of student submission in the Moodle. Later, the deadline was further extended till 4th December, till 5 pm. The re-upload of the files were made possible, after the broken module file links were removed. The staff of ERES and LEaD were involved both in the extension of the deadlines as well as in the removal of the broken file links. The problems continued in the broken link to the submission area of the students, as they entered the option, Add a new attempt based on previous submission. The staff of ERES and LEaD had re-created the links for these students working on 4th of December and the following weekend days, 5th and 6th of December, 2015. Long Term Incident Response Measures ERES and LEaD have made a combined effort, and set certain recommendations to prevent the issues repeating regarding the submission and access of the assignments. Backups of Moodle are to be ensured for continuous seven days a week. Educational technology support was interrupted in the weekends, from 5pm Friday to 9am on Monday. The deadlines are reconsidered to be set over the weekends. Business Continuity Communittee to look after and co-ordinate the vital University-wide process to deal further assignment submissions, in cases of major IT failure. Heads of Blended Learning Theme Lead and Educational Technology were recommended to communicate the Moodle Service Manager as soon as possible, right after Moodle incident is identified. (Education Student Committee 11.02.16, Item 6b, Major incidents and Online Assessments, available on, accessed on 9 March 2016) Legislation And Regulation Disclosure Of Credentials Of A University Student To A Friend Let us consider a case of the disclosure of the credentials of a University Student to his or her friend. Once the friend gets to know the login credentials of the student to get into the database of the University and the friend has attempted to login with these credentials, it will become an unauthorised access. It is an offense and the offense for the unauthorised access is also called as a summary offense, according to the Computer Misuse Act, 1990. Eventually, the friend of the student gets fined with maximum of 5000 bucks and he or she may also get the punishment of 6 months imprisonment. In case the friend of the student accesses the database of the University regularly with the intention of stealing or downloading the content, it is going to be an unauthorised access with intent and it is going to be a serious offense. In addition to the accessing, downloading the data owned by the University, if the friend of the student has attempted to change the grades or any sensitive information in the website, it is going to be an unauthorised modification and it is going to be a much serious offense, according to the Computer Misuse Act, 2006. In the case of the using the credentials of the student of the University, the major offender will be the friend of the student, who gets the login credentials and use them to access the database of the website. Though, the student can also be considered as an offender, he cannot be punished, as the revealing of the credentials might be done intentionally or unintentionally or with his or her knowledge or without knowledge. Section 3A, the amendment made by Police and Justice Act, 2006, with the clause 38 will be applicable, which says that making, supplying or obtaining the articles can be cyber offenses. Accordingly the student of the University can also be penalized for revealing the credentials, though it is done unintentionally. Section 3A in the Computer Misuse Act 1990 inserted by clause 38 of the Police and Justice Act 2006 Computer Misuse Act 1990 is described as An act to make provision for securing computer material against unauthorized access or modification; and for connected purposes [Stefan Frederick Fafinski, Computer use and misuse: the constellation of control] The Police and Justice Act 2006 amended the previously developed Computer Misuse Act 1990, under Miscellaneous Part 5 Computer Misuse Amendments. The section 3, which was there before in the Legislation and Regulation is replaced by the new section 3A offense, as part of the amendments introduced by the Police and Justice Act 2006. The section 3A offense criminalises the following. Criminalization of making articles Criminalization of supplying the articles or obtaining the articles, towards the usage, in the computer misuse offences. After the section 3 is inserted, the section #3A is specified as the following. A person is found to be guilty of an offense, in case the person adapts, makes, supply or even offer to supply any of the articles, With the intention of using the article to commit or even as assisting to the commission of, the offense, covered under the sections 1 or 3. Or, believing that the article is expected or likely to be used for harmful intentions. A person is considered as guilty of an offense, in case the person obtains any of the digital articles for the intention or view to supply towards the usage to commit, or even to help in the commission of the digital offense, under the 1 and 3 sections. The article here indicates any data or program held in any of the digital or electronic form. A person, who is a guilty of offence under this section 3A shall be liable For the summary conviction covered in the locations of England and Wales, to fine that does not exceed to the value of statutory maximum or imprisonment for not exceeding the period of 12 months or sometimes, both of them. On summary conviction covered in the location of Scotland, to fine that does not exceed the statutory maximum or imprisonment for the period of not more than 6 months, or even both. On conviction done on indictment, to a fine or imprisonment that does not exceed the period of two years or even both. Relevance To The Digital Forensic Digital forensics is considered as one branch of science, called forensic science. Digital forensic science encompasses the investigation and recovery of the material from the digital devices, related to the computer crime. The section 3A of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 is declared as making, supplying or obtaining of any articles in unauthorized ways indicates to be an offense. Digital forensics science is strengthened with this Act, as any unauthorized access of the articles, in the digital form can be processed as an offense. Digital forensics is a science and it can investigate the reasons, people and technologies involved in the respective criminal offense happened. The intentions of the offender can also be investigated, using the digital forensic technologies developed vastly during this decade especially. So, after the detailed investigation report is made and submitted to the respective authorities, the following step is the punishment of the offender and compensating the victim, with appropriate compensation that he or she had lost, during the digital offense. When the Acts are clear, like mentioned in the section 3A of Computer Misuse Act 1990, the relation of the level of offense and level of the punishment can be decided. The objective of the digital forensics is to investigate and find the reasons of the digital offense, whereas the objective of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 is to punish the cyber criminals, so that the digital offenses can be reduced and support healthier coordination and communication of the community and live in harmony. Controversy The new section 3A amendment of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 has gone through controversy. The controversy and criticism are received from the IT professionals. Nature of Controversy Controversy of the section 3A amendment is received by the IT professionals in terms of technological inadequacy. According to these professionals, the tools used by the authorities to investigate the reasons for offense and apply for the digital forensics, are inadequate. The argument made by the IT professionals is that the tools developed and introduced for the legitimate purposes can also be used for harmful intentions of the criminals. This clause, in terms of the IT professionals, has become controversial arguing that it intends to ban the hacker tools. The hacker tools that are used for positive and good intentional purposes, by the IT industry, are discouraged to development, distribution and ownership of them. This discouragement hinders the security personnel, who should be using these hacker tools towards the security testing of the systems. The clause also discourages the use of the dual use of the software developed, which is legal now and can be used for the legal purposes, for the possibilities that these can be used for illegal purposes. Spy Blog has pointed out that according to this clause, even the web browser could be turned into poorly configured browsing system. So, developing and distributing the web browsers also could be illegal, which is considered as a legal activity for browsing the websites, which is not harmful intent. Another controversy is that the proposed legislation does not cover the password crackers, which are the password recovery tools. Clause 38 is considered as an absolute madness and pure idiocy, by Earl of Northesk and said in public. The Computer Misuse Act 1990 has considered all the inputs and feedback from the APIG and other sources and made the necessary amendments in the following years. The Computer Misuse Act 1990 has been criticized majorly by APIG (All Party Parliamentary Internet Group) and the same APIG held a public inquiry for the desirability of revising the Act. The enquiry has focused majorly, for the following. Broadness of CMA to cover the possible cyber criminality encountered in day to day cyber life Whether the generic definition of data and computers of CMA has stood the time test Whether any loopholes are there in the Act, which demand to be plugged Revisions that may be needed to meet the international treaty obligations of us Whether the penalties level in the CMA would be sufficient to deter the criminals today APIG also called upon many interesting parties to suggest and advise their opinions by presenting written evidence to inquiry. APIG provided a platform for a discussion forum to establish communication between parliamentarians and new media industries. Finally, the Computer Misuse Act 1990 has made the necessary changes and made certain amendments to come with the following declarations. A person would be a guilty of an offence, if making, adapting, supplying or offering to supply any articles A person is considered to be guilty of an offense if he or she supplies any articles or offer to supply them, it is also an offense under section 1, 3, etc. A person is considered to be guilty of an offense if any article is obtained with intention to commit or even for assisting towards the commission, or at least with a view to commission Article means here any data or programs A person, who is considered to be guilty under any of these sections would be liable towards, On summary convictions in the location of England and Wales towards fine, and or imprisonment of not more than 12 months n summary convictions in the location of Scotland, to imprisonment for term period of not more than 12 months On conviction on indictment, towards imprisonment that does not exceed the term period of 2 years or fine, or even both There are many of the theories developed and struggle with the pre-conceived notion of possibility of harm that could arise from the misuse of the computers. However, the consequences that are viewed and taken as examples are less substantial, when compared to them that arise from the other familiar criminalized conduct and more tangible criminalized conduct. This perception of insubstantial harm that is general, is considered to be nature of many computer misuse manifestations. The harm that is resulted is usually kept secret, sometimes hidden or latent. In some of the cases, the harm is not even understood and familiar by the victim. In such cases, it may also be consider as non-criminal. APIG also proposed insertion of the new section, addressing the denial-of-service [Fafinski, 2006]. Since the harm from the computer misuse is unsubstantial and when considered in the standpoint of the instrumentalist, where the criminal law serves to be the means of protection of public interests or set of individuals from the substantial harms, are then would not be applicable generally. In addition to that a liberal consensus view, which do not consider the criminalisation of deviant behaviour to be justified, except in the cases, where threshold of seriousness that treat it to be harmful to the society and to the others. As the computer misuse usually comprise of non-serious, harms or playful, criminalisation of misuse cannot be justified in the view of consensus perspective, to the instances that would pose threat to the national security or national safety or safety to individuals. Later the Police and Justice Act 2006 had made three amendments to the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and it came into force by 1st of October in 2008 [Farinski, 2008]. Computer misuse criminalisation also has little support on its moralistic grounds, as the computer misuse is usually not taken or considered to be immoral conduct. This viewpoint may get arise usually from the relationships among the individuals as well as the technology, in which the regular and conventional oral norms and rules usually dont apply [Tsouli, 2007]. References: [Frederick, S F, Computer Use and Misuse: The Constellation of Control, (2008)] [Fafinski, S, Computer Misuse: Denial-of-service Attacks (2006) 70 Journal of Criminal Law 474] [Fafinski, S, Access Denied: Computer Misuse in an Era of Technological Change (2006) 70 Journal of Criminal Law 424]
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